где-то читала, что по тому, как люди сидят, точнее, по расположению их ног/рук, можно понять, испытывают ли они друг к другу притяжение))) догадайтесь, что означает положение: нога к ноге
Снупин Клип то ли об упущенных возможностях, то ли о возможностях, которые реализовались где-то в другой вселенной.
Текст песни:
читать дальшеI loved you for a long, long time I know this love is real It don t matter how it all went wrong That don t change the way I feel And I can t believe that time s Gonna heal this wound I m speaking of There ain t no cure, There ain t no cure, There ain t no cure for love I m aching for you baby I can t pretend I m not I need to see you naked In your body and your thought I ve got you like a habit And I ll never get enough There ain t no cure, There ain t no cure, There ain t no cure for love
There ain t no cure for love There ain t no cure for love All the rocket ships are climbing through the sky The holy books are open wide The doctors working day and night But they ll never ever find that cure for love There ain t no drink no drug There s nothing pure enough to be a cure for love
I see you in the subway and I see you on the bus I see you lying down with me, I see you waking up I see your hand, I see your hair Your bracelets and your brush And I call to you, I call to you But I don t call soft enough There ain t no cure, There ain t no cure, There ain t no cure for love